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On the year 2002 Silvia Vaiani was diagnosed with breast cancer and her world fell down in pieces within a fraction of a second. As a result she had to get an urgent surgery and attend several sessions of chemotherapy. It was during that time, on medical leave, when she realized that life was too short and precious as to not to “squeeze all the juice out of it”. While focusing her strengths on getting better, her way of thinking started to change, and so would her life story. 


Silvia decided to enroll in a jewelry class where she found herself feeling passion for the fine arts, following the path of her imagination to craft the most beautiful pieces of jewelry.  "My mind wouldn't stop discovering sources of inspiration: water, leaves, stones, the beauty of combining different textures and materials. I found a great talent for designing within me, which I would never had dreamt I possessed." This way, what had started as a hobby and a distraction, became the foundation for “Silvia Vaiani - Contemporary Artistic Jewelry”.


“When we think that life is under control and something unexpected, bigger than us happens, we should always remember that God never puts us through more than what we can handle. It’s at that moment when we gather strength from deep within us to overcome our toughest challenges and move forwards, rising above any circumstance against all odds.” - Silvia Vaiani

Meet Silvia

SV is a small family company founded in the year 2009 by Silvia, her son and youngest daughter. All of our products are designed by Silvia, handcrafted in the US using top quality materials, specially handpicked for each design. Semi-precious stones, crystals and, diverse types of fine and rustic metals are the base for our creations.

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Pink is the New BLACK

At SV, we love giving back and helping whenever we can. For unlimited time, we will be donating 10% of our sales to "Living Beyond Breast Cancer". 

About Living Beyond Breast Cancer

In 1991, very limited or inadequate resources existed for women who had completed primary treatment for breast cancer. To address this, an organization was created where women could share accurate and easy-to-understand information in a caring environment.


That place is Living Beyond Breast Cancer (LBBC).

Today, LBBC’s mission is to connect people with trusted breast cancer information and a community of support. LBBC addresses the needs of those who are newly diagnosed, in treatment, living with a history of breast cancer or managing metastatic disease.


As one of the world’s most respected information aggregates, LBBC works with the world’s top medical experts to continuously survey the changing landscape of breast cancer treatment and care. This analysis helps LBBC shape new and existing resources to help people navigate the course of their disease. 

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with breast cancer, LBBC can help.

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